Camp Blue Ridge Blog

Camp Blue Ridge Featured in Atlanta Parent – See What They’re Saying!

Sending your first-time camper off to sleepaway camp can feel overwhelming—but it doesn’t have to be! At Camp Blue Ridge, we understand the worries that come with this big step, and we’ve spent years perfecting the art of welcoming new campers and ensuring they have an unforgettable summer.

That’s why we’re thrilled to be featured in Atlanta Parent alongside other top sleepaway camps, sharing expert advice on how to set your child up for an amazing camp experience!

In this article, we discuss essential tips for preparing your child, including:

  • Turning homesickness into a positive experience
  • Encouraging independence before camp starts
  • Staying positive and supportive as a parent
  • Walking through “a day in the life” of camp
  • Unplugging from technology
  • Packing tips, letter writing, and more!

As our very own Lori Waldman, Camp Blue Ridge Owner and Director, shares:
"Sleepaway camp is life-changing because campers learn to spread their wings, gain independence, solve problems, and find their voice when they need something."

Read the full feature here! []