Farewell to a Successful Summer Camp Season

It is never easy saying goodbye to a successful summer camp season. As the summer sun starts to set, we find ourselves holding back the tears as we pack up our things, hug our friends tight, and walk back out through the gates. Over the past 7 weeks, our campers have immersed themselves in a world of adventure, learning, and friendship. As we reflect on the memories created and the growth witnessed, we can't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and pride. As we look back on Summer 2023, we will celebrate the accomplishments of the season and express our gratitude to all those who made it an unforgettable experience.

Achievements and Growth
Each summer camp season brings unique triumphs and breakthroughs for our campers. From conquering fears on the rock-climbing wall and zip ling, to discovering hidden talents in drama and music class, the accomplishments of our campers are a testament to their determination, resilience and dedication to Camp Blue Ridge. As a camp, we are immensely proud to witness the growth of our campers, both individually and as a tight-knit community.
New Friendships
One of the most cherished aspects of summer camp is the bonds forged between campers. Friendships formed during these weeks often blossom into lifelong connections. The laughter, camaraderie, and heartfelt conversations shared by our campers are the heartbeat of our successful summer camp season. It is true when they say that summer camp friends are forever.
Gratitude to Camp Staff
Behind every successful summer camp season lies a dedicated and passionate team of camp staff. From the kitchen crew who prepared delicious meals to the program directors who carefully curated engaging activities, each member played an integral role in creating a memorable experience for our campers. Their commitment and enthusiasm set the stage for a season filled with fun and adventure. We couldn’t have done it without them!
Memorable Moments
As we say goodbye to the summer camp season, we can't help but reminisce about the unforgettable moments that filled our days. The Color War cheers are still echoing across the lake! We can still see the sports field filled with activity. The crackle of the campfire, the megaphone siren, announcements throughout the dining hall… these moments have left an indelible mark on our hearts. Such memories not only make each summer camp season unique but also inspire us to continue our mission of providing transformative experiences for our campers. It is the big moments that stand out- the color war win, the waterpark field trip… but it is the little moments that make an impact on us forever.
Continuing the Camp Spirit Beyond the Season
Though the official summer camp season may be ending, the spirit of camp lives on in the hearts of our campers and staff. As campers return to their daily lives, they carry with them newfound confidence, cherished memories, and a sense of belonging. The lessons learned at camp – resilience, adaptability, and empathy – will undoubtedly serve them well throughout the school year and in all their future endeavors. The Camp Blue Ridge family feel is with you year-round. There is nothing like getting together with your camp friends over the year, the excitement building up to the camp get togethers, keeping up with camp pics on social media… the summer might be over but the spirit lives on!
As hard as it is to say goodbye, we cant help but to be grateful. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who played a part in making it a truly remarkable experience. From the campers who embraced every adventure to the staff who poured their hearts into creating a safe and nurturing environment – each contribution is a building block of the memories and growth cherished at camp. And thank you thank you thank you to our Camp Blue Ridge families for sharing your children with us this summer. As we look forward to the next season, we carry the spirit of camp within us, knowing that the impact of these weeks will extend far beyond the boundaries of summer. Until next year! We are counting down the days until we are all together again in the Georgia mountains!