How Sports Benefit Kids
Sports are good exercise for kids. This we know. But it doesn't just help their physical bodies. How sports and exercise benefit kids is evident in many ways. It's proven to help with brain development. Studies show that exercise is beneficial to brain structure and that, exercising beforehand had resulted in improved performances in cognitive tests. What about learning teamwork? Learning confidence? Learning to become stronger? Sports is an activity in practicing patience. Learning how to deal with failure. Learning how to try again. How to get things right. How to persist.
Sometimes we protect our children from getting things wrong. But part of learning is making mistakes. The way to being good, or good at something is sometimes being bad or very bad at it...first. Without facing their fears and failures, do our kids become more scared? Attempting, failing, trying again...helps build confidence. Camp is a safe place with supportive counselors and fellow campers all there side by side, cheering each other on. summer sleep away camp a good place to fail and try again.
Find out more about Camp Blue Ridge nestled within 250 acres of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in northern Georgia, 2 hours northeast of Atlanta. We schedule tours of our summer camp throughout the year and would be happy to answer your questions and show you around. Call Camp Blue Ridge at (summer) 706-746-549; (winter) 954-665-8686. Visit our website for more details.