Camp Blue Ridge Blog

Tips for Prepping for Sleepaway Camp near North Carolina


Before you know it, summer will be over and your kid will have missed out on a great summer camp experience! Sign them up for our later sessions because the drop off date for the later sleepaway camp sessions will be quickly approaching. But how do you prepare your child for the awesome time he or she will have at our sleepaway camp near North Carolina this summer?! Follow these tips to try and make the preparation a little less stressful. 1. Being homesick is natural Don’t promise to pick up your child if they feel homesick. By promising to pick them up, you’re not allowing them to power through the feelings. Being homesick is completely natural and if you take your child home in the middle of camp, it could significantly affect their confidence levels. Instead of making the promise to pick them up, tell them that feeling anxious or missing home is completely normal while at camp. Remind your child about all the fun summer camp activities and experiences they will enjoy at camp. 2. Make sure everything is packed I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten a phone call or letter from my daughter that says, “you forgot to pack me…” Skip that conversation and double-no TRIPLE check that everything that your son or daughter will need is packed and ready to go. Make sure to check the summer camp clothing list if you have any questions. If the camp doesn’t allow personal electronics, make sure that your child didn’t “slip” those devices into their bags. 3. Practice sleeping somewhere other than home Grandma isn’t too busy this weekend? Perfect. This is a great opportunity for your son or daughter to practice sleeping away from home. Sleepaway camp requires children to sleep in a bed other than their own with out you being in the same house. Pick a weekend, help your child pack a bag, and make believe that your son or daughter is going to sleepaway camp at Grandma’s house. 4. Label EVERY SINGLE THING Hair brushes to shirts. Make sure that you have labeled every item that you sent your child away with. Also try to not send them away with anything that will be greatly missed if it gets lost. It is likely for items to be lost so try and check with the office and staff if something important gets lost. Now, hopefully these sleepaway camp tips have helped to soothe the pre-camp stress. Sleepaway can be just as stressful for parents as it is for the kids so try to be as relaxed and prepared as can be and you won’t have any problems! 11-03-25_115.jpg If you’re still looking for an amazing sleepaway camp near North Carolina to send your son or daughter to this summer, contact Camp Blue Ridge at 706-746-5491 (summer) or 954-665-8686 (winter).