Tips for Picking the Best Residential Camp
Residential camp gives your child an opportunity to make a ton of amazing memories and lifelong friends all in a fun, relaxed environment where he or can feel comfortable being himself or herself. But how do you know if the residential camp that you’re considering is the right camp? Here at Camp Blue Ridge, we have some questions for you to keep in mind while looking for a residential camp near Tennessee for your son or daughter next summer.
- What kind of activities is your child interested in? Is there a specific sport, art, or adventure program that they are interested in? Let’s say that your daughter’s favorite sport is basketball and that’s what she would like to do at camp next summer. Then look through the list of residential camp activities that the camp has to offer and ensure that basketball is there. Sending your child to a camp that offers the specific activity that they love is an easy way to ensure that they have a good experience at camp.
- How far away from home? Location shouldn’t be a huge factor when it comes to picking a camp. But if both you and your child feel uncomfortable being far away from home, then only search for residential camps near home! There are a ton to choose from and likely one that you will both feel comfortable with.
- All of my child’s friends are going to the same camp, should I do that too? Usually, when this situation happens, it is either because the camp is extremely close to home or popular; or the parent is afraid that their son or daughter won’t have any friends going into camp. But one of the reasons to love residential camp is the fact that by the end of the first day, your child will have likely met a ton of new friends. Going in, your child may not have any friends, but neither do most of the other children there! This leaves children with the perfect opportunity to make some new friends from all over the country.
- Do your research! What weeks is the camp offered? How much is it going to cost? How are the counselors and staff hired? Do they go through any specific training or certification? Where is the nearest hospital and is there a doctor/nurse on campus? When are you able to visit your child? How does the camp deal with food allergies? What special trips or events occur over the summer that you should know about? What time do campers typically go to bed? And why are there so many questions to consider when choosing a residential camp?!