Weekend Fun at Camp Blue Ridge
This past week has been a fun-filled week for all the campers at Camp Blue Ridge. The teen campers went on the first teen trip of the summer on Wednesday night. They went to the movies and had the option of seeing Wonder Woman or The Mummy. The most exciting part for some campers was crossing state lines and going to North Carolina to see the movie, even though it was only a short 20 minutes away on the bus. Now, the teens are looking forward to their next teen trip on Sunday to Helen, GA!
Meanwhile, the freshman and junior campers, our summer camps younger age groups, stayed on camp for their Night at the Races event. The campers gathered at the sports field for a night filled with silly relays and obstacles. Each round, there were two teams chosen to complete the task. The remainder of the campers bet on which team would be fastest. The campers were so supportive of their peers, and encouraged them to be quick and involved! Some of the events that took place were pudding relays, wheelbarrow races, and egg races.
After activities on Friday, campers sang their hearts out at services. During the friday night services, the whole camp sang along to songs such as God Bless the USA, Time of our lives, and You've Got a Friend. This is an amazing time for everyone to come together as one at sleep away camp and celebrate their friendships. After services, the camp headed down to the gym dressed up for the Western Social. Campers were decked out in jean, bandanas, boots, and flannels! DJ Darrell played such good music it was impossible to not want to get up and dance.
As the first saturday of the summer rolled around, the campers took part in the first special event of 2017. Everyone participated in the first annual Rabun Relay! The camp was split up into four teams; the Black Bears, White Walruses, Green Gorillas and the Purple Panthers. In this relay, campers were numbered from #1-36, and whichever team completed all of the tasks first won the relay.
Whether it be the three-legged race, bouncing a tennis ball on a racket, dribbling a soccer ball, or crawling to the other side of the field while barking like a dog, campers got to show off their wide array of skills, strange talents, and silly personalities. Throughout the relay, there was no clear lead as all teams went head to head for the first place spot.
Each team was boasting with spirit, cheering on their teammates and peers. The echos of excitement and pride were heard from across the camp. In a unanimous vote by the judges, the Black Bears were chosen as the most spirited team for the relay. In the final seconds of the Rabun Relay, it came down to which team could overflow the pitcher first. Just seconds before the other teams, the White Walruses managed to overflow the pitcher and line up in number order up the hill.
It was such a fun weekend here at Camp Blue Ridge, with beautiful weather in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains!