Is Your Child Ready for Sleep Away Camp in Georgia?
Is your child ready to go on an adventure away from the comforts of home in Florida? It's a question that is constantly asked by concerned parents everywhere. By asking yourself some questions, you can determine if your son or daughter is ready for a fun time at a sleep away camp in Georgia.
Does your child attend sleepovers with friends?
While some children have attended slumber parties and spent nights at friends' houses since they were in first or second grade, others have only slept away from home maybe once or two, or not at all. If you answered yes and this is something your child does with no problems, that's the first step to knowing if he/she could handle sleeping at Camp Blue Ridge.
Is your child shy or withdrawn?
While shy children can attend sleep away camp, they may have more trouble adjusting, though overall the experience can help him/her come out of their shell. On the other hand, if your child expresses any sort of fear or apprehension, sleep away camp may not be the best choice right now. If your child is able to make friends and get along with others, sleep away camp can be a very positive experience for them.
Whose idea was it?
Who brought up the idea of sleep away camp? Did you present the idea to your child, or did he/she bring it to you? If your child brought this idea to you and seems excited, that's a great step toward knowing they will quickly adjust to a typical day at sleep away camp in Georgia. If you brought up the idea and your child is still eager, that's great too! The key is to notice if your child is showing genuine excitement and is looking forward to camp.
How does your child act at school?
A school environment is structured, with rules that must be followed for everyone's safety and well-being and penalties for breaking those rules. Does your child follow the rules at school? Camps have rules similar to a school, to keep everyone safe and keep programs and activities running correctly. The ability to follow rules ensures that your child will have a great, safe experience.
Is your child fairly self-sufficient?
At bedtime, does your child brush his/her teeth and get dressed without too much assistance? Sleep away camp means your child will be spending weeks away from your reminders. They will need to shower, practice good personal hygiene and be able to sleep in a bed other than their own.
Is your child socially active?
Children that are socially comfortable with their peers will likely have few difficulties adjusting to sleep away camp. Generally children that have no problem making new friends or getting along with others will return from camp with plenty of smiles and stories to tell.
If you’re interested in a sleep away camp in Georgia, contact Blue Ridge at 706-746-5491 (summer) or 954-665-8686 (winter) for more information or to schedule a tour!