A Summer Without Social Media
Social Media.
In recent years, there is no doubt that our younger generations are being raised through and consumed by social media. One thing I do love about social media is that it has provided an amazing way for camp friends to stay in contact with each other throughout the year! Campers, staff, and families are now able to stay connecting to all things came throughout the year like we never could before. It has provided us with an amazing online community that we can bring together, celebrate previous summers, and count down to the next!
On the other end, one of the best parts of being at summer camp is escaping the online world. Todays generation of campers are able to shift their mindset from Instagram posts and Snapchat streaks, to building camp fires and getting up on water skis! Instead of waiting for the next text message to come through, campers are waiting for the next nature hike or bunk performance night! Instead of forming friendships through a screen, campers are communicating, learning, growing, and creating lifelong friends and memories.
Camp Blue Ridge provides a pure atmosphere for campers to immerse themselves in, where things are low maintenance, comfortable, and fun! Campers learn the value of one on one conversations with a trusted friend or counselor. They learn to appreciate a sunny day at the waterfront, and a beautiful sunset over the mountains.
A summer without social media changes a campers perspective, and this perspective stays with them after they leave camp. Instead of looking at their phones for happiness and validation, they look to their friends, their memories, and the desire to be back next summer!
With Social Media playing such a huge role in the lives of kids, I find many parents wondering and asking if their child could actually survive a summer without checking their Instagram 50 times a day. The fact of the matter is: yes, they will survive. Without social media to worry about, campers can focus on what they do best, just being kids!
Camp will show your child that there is far more important things in life then finding the perfect filter for your photo. Although sometimes it may seem that life is all about how many followers you have, its not. Life is about living in the moment, and how beautiful is it that camp can show this to your child.
Camp changes the way we see the world. Sending your child to Camp Blue Ridge will change them for the better.