Reflecting on Summer Camp Memories
Throughout the year it's great to look back at Camp Blue Ridge photos and to remember all of the great times we ad this past summer. With the weather beginning to get cooler, it's the time of year when we wish it could be summer again at our summer camp near Tennessee. The thoughts of warm summer days with filled with friends and fun begins to creep back into our minds. Luckily, as each day passes, we begin to get closer to the reality of starting the summer again at Camp Blue Ridge and all of the fun that we have every year!
It's exciting for children to anticipate what will be waiting for them on the very first day of camp! All the positive energy, support and comradery doesn't exist in quite the same way anywhere else in any other situation or experience. And not to mention all of the life lessons at summer camp that children will receive. There are so many aspects of going to summer camp to look forward to. It's so exciting to meet new people who come from all over the world, to see old friends again, participate in a few of our many summer camp activities, eat meals together, reconnect with nature, sing, enjoy campfires and camp traditions and do things together that don't really happen anywhere else. We can't wait to see you again. And for our campers to enjoy our newest programs and try out a few of our new activities in our little community setting. To have fun in the most exciting ways, enjoy the wide-range of benefits of summer camp, and to reconnect with nature in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Together we will be building social skills, independence, resiliency and confidence even more so than last year. For us, summer just can't come soon enough! If you're looking for the best summer camp near Tennessee for your son or daughter next summer, then send them to Camp Blue Ridge! Call us at 706-746-5491 (summer) or 954-665-8686 (winter) for more information or to schedule an upcoming tour of our campgrounds today! (Originally posted on November 13, 2014. Updated on October 28, 2015.)